Saturday, December 1, 2012

December Journal Writing Prompt

In my last post I talked about tips for journal writing. Today I will give you a list of writing prompts for the month of December.

  • December 3rd: What is your favorite thing to do during winter?
  • December 4th: What is something your family does every December?
  • December 5th: What is your favorite holiday movie, and why?
  • December 6th: Write about something nice you have done for someone before. How did it make you feel?
  • December 7th: What is the best gift you ever received?
  • December 10th: What is your favorite holiday book, and why?
  • December 11th: What is your favorite holiday food(s), and why?
  • December 12th: If you could have anything you wanted for Christmas this year, what would it be?
  • December 13th: Write about a time that you couldn't stop laughing?
  • December 14th: If you could be your parents for one day, what would you do?
  • December 17th: Write a letter to Santa. Explain whether you have been naught or nice.
  • December 18th: Write about your favorite memory of a Christmas past?
  • December 19th: Why do you feel it is important to give to others?
  • December 20th: If you could build a snowman, what would it look like?
  • December 21st: Free Write

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