Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving and Deviled Reading Eggs


Normally on Thanksgiving I cook the entire meal but this year we did things different. Poppy & Yang helped Daddy prep the turkey, while my Mom is cooking all the sides and dessert at her house. This gave Yang and I some time to cuddle on the couch to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Since our flat traveler, Oshawott, is visiting from the United Kingdome we've also been teaching him about Thanksgiving.

Hubby asked Yang & I if we would make deviled eggs. Looking back I now realize I was being setup! Monday when Owlet & I had to go to her orthodontist appointment, I made a list of things I wanted Yang to work on with her Dad while I was gone. When she was done with everything she asked if she could play Reading Eggs. He told her he did not see any reason why she couldn't. When I got the eggs out the fridge today I realized they played another version of Reading Eggs while I was gone! Hey, as long as she is learning and having fun, it's fine by me!

So what do you have to be thankful for this year? I am thankful for my 3 beautiful daughters, my loving husband, my family and my friends. I am thankful that my Mom & hubby are healthy, at least for today. I am thankful we have a roof over our heads and food to put on the table. I am thankful I have the right to educate my children in my home. I am thankful that we all of a sense of humor, even if it is a warped one sometimes. I am thankful for all the information I have learned from Angie Voss and making this year a of accomplishments for Yang. I am thankful you, my followers!

I hope everyone has a blessed day!

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